Some tips for propagation:
- Wet seed raising mix first, this allows even spreading of seed if necessary.
- Soak each sown tray with fungicide at time of sowing to eliminate damping off etc. in seedlings
- If having trouble with some Allocasuarinas and casuarinas use of vam inoculum (vesicular-arbuscular mycoprhiza) proved very successful.
- Fertilise weekly with liquid fertiliser at half strength, 10 litre watering can to 10 trays holding 96 forestry tubes. Exceptions; Casuarinas, Banksias, Grevilleas and Acacias.
- Always use super tubes for large fast growing trees e.g. Eucalypts, Brachychiton, Lophostemon etc.
- Sugar syrup 1 tablespoon per litre.
Further reading:
- Seed Collection of Australuian Native Plants - Murray Ralph
- Growing Australian Native Plants from Seed Murray Ralph
- Australian Native Plants - John W. Wrigley & Murray Fagg
- Australian Rainforest Seeds - by Michelle Chapman, Paul NelsonĀ and Mark Dunphy and others