Welcome to the Westport High School Landcare Site at Findlay Avenue Port Macquarie. The Westport High Environment Team has been operating over ten years. The students have a wide ranging interest in environmental issues.
Further wildlife investigations into the Westport High School Rainforest are being conducted by the students in the Westport Environment Team using their infra red and motion detecting cameras. Westport High is in a unique educational position in Australia surrounded by a floral diversity of rainforest, wet sclerophyll, swamp species and key koala habitat. It appears that no other High School in Australia can match this natural environment.
Various botanists have identified over 50 species of flora with rainforest plants being dominant. Incredible sightings of spotted tailed quoll, gliders, banded rail, wallabies, kangaroo, regent and satin bower birds and sea eagles have occurred along with resident populations of koalas and land mullet.
New South Wales Koala Preservation Society relocates released koalas to Westport High because of its key koala habitat. Major planting of koala food trees were completed in the 1980s and were used as fodder trees for the Koala Hospital. They now provide food trees for mature koalas. The lack of dogs in the school grounds is of key importance in release and the High school provides this through its security fence even though passage of koalas over the fences needs to be addressed.
Westport High School's Forest is located in a central location in Port Macquarie that provides key wildlife links and corridors.
To the north it is connected to the paper bark forest on Hastings River Drive extending to the forested Land Council site.
To the east it links to the forest across Findlay Avenue next to Westport High.
To the south it links with forest in the Community Health grounds.
To the West it links with Westport Primary school and its koala trees and climbing poles and to the Landcare site on Widderson Street.
Westport Environment Team students will be checking their remote cameras at the beginning of next Term and hope to have some exciting photos of the spotted quoll.