Eucalyptus propinqua

Eucalyptus propinqua

Small-fruited Grey Gum

Handsome, tall straight tree to 40m. Smooth grey bark sheds to reveal beautiful orange new bark. Creamy bird-attracting flowers in spring. Well-drained soil in full sun. Drought and frost resistant. Koala food tree. Yellow-bellied gliders eat the sap. Its timber is hard, strong and durable and used in heavy construction. Good shade tree. Koala food tree

Availability is dependent on seed collection. 


Nursery Species List

Landcare Nursery

Opening Hours:
Mondays 9:00am to 12:00 Noon

0432 141 605

22 Blackbutt Road Port Macquarie.
(inside the National Parks & Wildlife Services Compound)

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